Friday, October 2, 2009

Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. 彩虹的旁邊 有星星幾點 迫不及待在眨眼

Im officially fucked for my finals! yeah and my brain doesnt want to start pumping out its Brain Juice. finals is just a month away and im not even halfway through with the revision. so much for trying to be productive during the holidays.
Kit Meng can study one HAI MAI!??

Anyways on a lighter note, im going for a play called Wacky Bar on Sunday night at Jaya 1. Its supposed to be a comedy or something close to it with hot women in it. sincerely i mega doubt whether Amber Chia would be able to crack a joke that would make half of the audience laugh. Heck, you still cant get the best of both worlds! where beauty comes in first and sense of humour comes in lets say, 3rd from the last? its all about face, figure, boobs, and cash right?
No, seriously. im beggining to wonder how happy all the men would be when they wake up finding out that their spouses/fiancees/girlfriends/girlfriend-to-be/Fubu's were to turn into very hot women with Taylor Swift's looks and a body like Jessica Alba's with loads of cash amounting to the numbers of Bill Gates. Im pretty sure every men out there would be so excited the number of accidents on the roads goes to infinity. what about intelligence and the kind heart and attitude of a person? overrated? Go figure!

Anyways i just got a pair of uber super-duper-hyper-more-cool-than-your mama shoes! i got it while i was helping Jun Hin get a ring for his other half. ha! i feel the guilt seeping in already for spending so much cash on a darn pair of shoes.Cheers to the sohai brother and his very retard in an awesome way sister! im glad things are better already.

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