Yea you might have guessed.
i sprained my ankle. badly.
to make matters worst, i have promised my frens to attend their farewell plans.(remy's going back to france and moe back to Sudan)
yet goh yuan's birthday is the same day.
crap! if being torn apart isnt enough, my dumb ankle hurts like hell.
Caution.! never be too hyper while ure playing basketball.
To Ghazal. my friend who manages to lit my at times gloomy days.and the patience u have in teaching me math and mechanics is unbelievable.
i still wonder how much patience u have when i ask funnily-retarded questions. and cheers to the time we had for 1 and a half years giving ms.loh and any lecturer a head ache.
you never judge me for who i am and always stand by me.
and also to Sakun, whom i dont have a picture of. the first imppresion of u was that when u first saw me you thought i was a gangster or some messed up dude! haha. wonder how my hair gave me such an imppresion. u were always the baby among the group. the cutest one among all and the no-nonsense person. i seriously enjoyod the time spent with u thru dis 1& a half years.
and to Yoges, the always-stoning-and-blur guy. you have a heart of gold.thanks for the coaching for certain subs i never liked.and the think positive attitude u instilled into me.u will always be a role model i look up to.not to mention ur slow mind due to *i shall not reveal why reasons* haha!since we all know =)'
seriously u guys have been the gems in my life. and i thank you all and wish u all the best in your future till we meet again. ill miss u guys and each one of u have a place in my heart. i cherish every moment we had .
sniff sniff
so sweet =)
haha didnt kno i was good at words =P
Hey, can't seem to type to your chatterbox. Anyway...
My blog is
Will link you up too =)
haha ok li anne , already linked u =D
hey kit... miss you dear! tht was very sweet of you... :) hope ur well.. rmber, im just a phone call away! Love you always.
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